The Nordics are a world-class testing ground for digital start-ups.
The Nordics are a world-class testing ground for digital start-ups. Why? These are prosperous and egalitarian societies, characterized by high quality labour and sophisticated clients, driving businesses to adopt new and emerging technologies quickly in order to stay competitive.
Across industry sectors we have witnessed hard core digitization success based on home-grown innovation along with adoption of global technologies. However, companies with great potential and solutions to global problems often struggle to scale, stop growing, and ultimately are limited to serving local markets. Northscaler specializes in financial, commercial, and technological scaling challenges.
Northscaler takes part ownership in the companies we assist. We provide rising stars access to a network of business leaders and help them attract growth capital. We also help them prepare for global markets through commercial and operational scaling. We have a proven value chain for enabling sales, support, roll-out, and distribution to new markets.
These are essential building blocks in a global growth story. Our unique technology platform and tools will enhance companies' technological platform, using our team of 100x tech consultants, who have worked on some of the world's largest and most demanding scaling challenges.
Our holistic approach is based on a long history of building successful businesses and a steadfast drive to succeed as a team.